
Friday, August 1, 2014

Fringe Festival: "Kitty Kitty Kitty"

Day: 1

Show: 2

Category: Comedy

Written by: Noah Haidle

Location: Rarig Center Arena

Summary: Life from a cat’s perspective doesn't look so good. Kitty falls in love with his clone, is rejected by him, makes more clones, loses them, and learns about love.

Highlights: Have you ever wondered what your cat is thinking? According to this play, he's thinking some pretty deep and existential thoughts. A mad scientist (Leif Jurgenson) clones a suicidal house cat (Sam Landman), who then falls in love with his clone (Matt Rein) and teaches him everything he knows. When Kitty Kitty is adopted by a couple of humans, Kitty is devastated and tries again with another clone, except that each successive clone is a little, well, less. In typically Loudmouth fashion, this is a smart and funny play with a great cast. And it's not a bad idea - I recently lost the best cat that ever lived, and if I could clone him I totally would. Whether you love cats like I do, or you're one of those soulless human beings who doesn't like cats, it's great fun to see that majestic and mysterious animal personified on stage and get a glimpse into what they might be thinking.