On the heels of seeing a new original locally created musical about dating, I went to see a new original locally created musical about marriage. It must be (almost) February. But even though 'Til Death is written by a married couple, stars two married couples, and is directed/music directed by a married couple, you don't have to be married to enjoy it. It's a charming, silly, funny, and at times poignant musical comedy about life and relationships.
Vanessa and Jeremiah Gamble are co-Artistic Directors of Bucket Brigade, and co-wrote 'Til Death as a way to "take an inward look at our own struggles of trying to practice forgiveness and live out a committed relationship."
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
"Right, Wrong, or Bomb! A Dating Musical" by Backyard to Broadway Productions at Illusion Theater
"The protagonist, Jill, professionally successful but socially awkward, finds herself in a state of perpetual singleness." Upon reading this description of the new original musical Right, Wrong, or Bomb! A Dating Musical, I was afraid someone had written a musical about me. But after seeing it last night, I was reassured that it's not really about me, because this Jill, unlike the musical Jill, is focused on more than just finding a man. Still, the musical has moments that ring true about the pressure that society, friends, and family put on us to find a mate, and the strange way that many people go about it in the internet age. There's nothing too deep or revelatory here, but Right, Wrong, or Bomb! is a fun, funny, and entertaining musical with a pleasing score and wonderful heartfelt performances.
Monday, January 25, 2016
"The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" at Artistry
In one of those strange local theater programming coincidences, I have seen The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas twice in the last year, after never having seen it before in my life. But I enjoyed the charmingly corny show at the Old Log last summer, so I was happy to give it another go as part of the former Bloomington Civic Theatre's first season as Artistry. I think I like it even more the second time around! First of all - it's a whole lot of fun (whorehouse + '70s + Texas = fun). But if you look a bit deeper, you'll see some prescient themes in this 1978 Broadway hit about the influence of TV and the media to ignite hysteria, as well as the power of women over their lives and their bodies, or lack thereof. If you're not convinced yet, let me give you a few more reasons to see this show.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
"Bright Half Life" at Pillsbury House Theatre

"Great Expectations" at Park Square Theatre
Expectations are high for Park Square Theatre's world premiere of a new adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations. Building expectations are a well-known and beloved novel, adaptation and direction by veteran local director Joel Sass, a diverse and talented cast, and the fact that Park Square has been continually raising the bar these last few years with the addition of a second stage and greater commitment to diversity of casting and programming. After attending opening night this weekend, I'm happy to report that these Great Expectations have been met with this innovative, funny, creepy, clever, suspenseful, and very well done production.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
"Pericles" at the Guthrie Theater
The Guthrie's newly inaugurated Artistic Director Joseph Haj makes his directorial debut with Shakespeare's Pericles, remounting a production that has recently played at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and DC's Folger Theatre (with a cast that, for the first time in my memory, is entirely new to the Guthrie). It's a promising debut highlighted by playfulness, inventiveness, and diverse casting. And while I had a bit of a hard time with the play (as I often do the first time I see a Shakespeare play, unless Ten Thousand Things is doing it), I still found it to be an enjoyable experience with excellent performances, innovative set and technical design, and lovely original music. Welcome to Minnesota Joseph Haj, I look forward to what you will do in the future, especially when partnering with our fabulous local talent!
Monday, January 18, 2016
"Dear World" by Ten Thousand Things at Open Book
I consider myself a fan of musicals (although perhaps not quite an expert), but I had never heard of the 1969 musical Dear World that won Angela Lansbury her second Tony. It has certainly not seen the success of composer/lyricist Jerry Herman's other works, which include La Cage aux Folles and Hello, Dolly! That's hard to comprehend after seeing Ten Thousand Things' new production of Dear World, which reveals it to be a perfectly charming and lovely musical. But then, Ten Thousand Things productions have a tendency to reduce any work of theater, from Shakespeare to a Broadway musical flop, to it's most perfect, accessible, relatable heart. Under the direction of Jungle Theater's new Artistic Director Sarah Rasmussen, with one-man orchestra Peter Vitale and a beautifully diverse eight-person cast, Dear World is a musical that's sweet, funny, hopeful, and just a little bit wacky.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
"Lullaby" by Theater Latte Da at the Ritz Theater
2015 was my 5th full year as a Twin Cities Theater Blogger, and I saw a record high 200+ shows. When I look at those numbers, or at my busy schedule, I sometimes think, why do I do this? Why do I devote all of my free time to this part-time job for which I don't get paid? And then I see a show that reminds me why I do this. That reminds me why I started going to theater, why I started writing about theater, why I think theater (and specifically music-theater) is the most beautiful and powerful art form we have. Lullaby is one such show. This new original play-with-music is everything I want music-theater to be: funny, smart, relevant, relatable, moving, poignant, with awesome songs and a brilliant cast and creative team pouring their heart and souls into the work. This is the first of 20 new works of "theater musically" that Theater Latte Da has committed to developing by 2020 in a project they're calling "Next 20/20.*" It's an exciting thing to create the future of music-theater, and Lullaby has set the bar high for this project.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
"The Best Brothers" by Loudmouth Collective at Open Eye Figure Theatre
Thursday, January 14, 2016
The History Theatre's New Works Festival "Raw Stages" 2016
January in Minnesota doesn't just mean bitter cold temperatures and the desire to hibernate. On the contrary, it's the time of year to get out of your house, head to lovely downtown St. Paul, and participate in the development of new plays and musicals at the History Theatre! One of the best theaters in town at developing, supporting, and producing new work, The History Theatre is presenting a reading of four new works this weekend. Unfortunately my schedule only allows me to attend two of the four this year, but each of them looks incredibly promising, and the talent listed below is mind-boggling! Many of the new works presented as part of the "Raw Stages" festival in the past have had successful full productions at The History Theatre, including The Debutante's Ball and Glensheen in 2015. So bundle up, heat up the car, and make your way through the bitter cold temps to The History Theatre to experience the joy of new and original theater!
Monday, January 11, 2016
"Fahrenheit 451" at Theatre in the Round
Books are important. Books are where we express ourselves, share ideas, record history, and dream about the future. In the age of the internet, hundreds of cable channels, and short attention spans, one has to wonder if books are in danger. Over 60 years ago, perhaps inspired by the censorship and paranoia of the McCarthy era, novelist Ray Bradbury imagined a world in which people were not allowed to read or even possess books, in fact all books were burned. He later adapted his novel Fahrenheit 451 into a play, currently being produced by Theatre in the Round. The themes of censorship, control of information, and the dangers of reality TV ring eerily true as brought to life by this large and talented cast and interesting staging. It makes for a fascinating, disturbing, and thought-provoking evening of theater.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
"The Beauty Queen of Leenane" by Theatre Pro Rata at Park Square Theatre
Irish playwright Martin McDonagh's The Beauty Queen of Leenane is equal parts hilarious dark comedy and devastating tragedy, in the way that only a good Irish play can be. In their second play in partnership with Park Square Theatre, Theatre Pro Rata presents an excellent production of this dramedy, with a terrific four-person ensemble cast directed by Artistic Director Carin Bratlie Wethern on a set that looks realistic and lived-in. It's my first play of 2016, and if The Beauty Queen of Leenane is any indication, it's going to be another great year for theater in this town!
"The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" at Lyric Arts
Middle school (or junior high as they called it in my town) is the worst. You're not a kid anymore, but not really a teenager yet, and you're just trying to figure out who you are and where you fit in the world while everything is changing at rapid speed. But that's what makes it such deliciously awkward fodder for a musical! A 2005 Tony-winner for best book, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee brilliantly illustrates the humor, trauma, elation, and devastation that comes with a middle school spelling bee. This quirky little musical is a great choice for Lyric Arts, and they've created a sweet and funny production with a solid cast.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
"A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder" on tour at the State Theatre
The 2014 Tony winner for best musical is on tour and currently stopping at the State Theatre for one week only! A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder is relatively small in scale for a Broadway musical; I counted 11 people in the curtain call, and most of the action takes place on an adorably tiny stage on the stage (which is why it's playing at Hennepin Theatre Trust's medium-sized theater*). But despite its size it packs plenty of punch. This story of a poor young man 8th in line for the Earldom is tight, clever, funny, outrageous, and loads of fun! If you like your musical comedy broad and British, this is the show for you.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
"Musical Mondays" at Hell's Kitchen, January 2016
Happy New Year, friends! And what better way to ring in the new year than with the 34th installment of Musical Mondays at Hell's Kitchen! This monthly cabaret series takes place on the first Monday of every month, hosted by everyone's favorite BFFs Sheena Janson and Max Wojtanowicz, and features an alternating cast of local music-theater talent. This month's theme was the '60s, because... why not? Going into the show I couldn't think of any musicals from the '60s (duh - Hair), and most of the songs featured were from shows I'd never heard of. Which is part of the fun of Musical Mondays!
Most Popular Posts of 2015
Once again, my most viewed post this year was my annual Fringe Festival must-see list. Rounding out the top 15 is my mid-Fringe favorites. Also making the list is my handy list of DOs and DONTs for theater audiences (#manners). The rest of my most popular posts this year cover shows at theaters big and small. Click on the below links to see what you might have missed.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
2015 Twin Cities Theater Wrap-up: What I'm Most Grateful For
This is the seventh year that I've listed my favorites in Twin Cities theater, and it's getting harder and harder to keep the list at a reasonable number. In 2015 I saw over 200 shows by about 70 different theater companies at over 50 venues around the Twin Cities (including the 44 Fringe shows I saw in one crazy week in August). Going through this long list of plays, musicals, comedies, dramas, and everything in between, my initial list of favorites numbered over 50. "This is going to be impossible!" I thought. But then I realized this post isn't about shows that I liked, or even shows that I loved. This is about shows that left me with the feeling of - theater is the most wondrous and magical thing in the world, and I'm so grateful that I get to do this! After five and a half years of writing about Twin Cities theater, I'm in the fortunate position of being able to see just about any local show that I want to - for free! How lucky am I?! So the theme of this year's favorites list is gratitude. This is my thank you to the theater artists that create such beautiful work, the many PR people I work with who kindly arrange for my tickets, and all of you who read, comment, share, and otherwise support Cherry and Spoon. Here are the things I'm most grateful for this year (click on the linked show title to read the original post).
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