
Friday, August 4, 2017

Fringe Festival 2017: "Rumpus"

Day: 1

Show: 3

Title: Rumpus

Category: Dance

By: Mike's Brass

Choreographed by: Lori Ledoux

Location: Southern Theater

Summary: A music/dance/poetry show inspired by one of my (and many people's) favorite children's book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.

Highlights: Let the wild rumpus start! This show is pure delight, combining a brass quintet performing everything from classics to pop tunes, Maurice Sendak's funny and poignant story, and charming and inventive dancing performed by the eight-person ensemble (including the adorable young David Pelletier Guire, who looks like he stepped right off the pages of the book). Ensemble members Derek Meyer and Noë Tallen take turns reading passages from the book, as well as other poetry related to the themes of the book, followed by music and dance which perfectly expresses those words. Fun for all ages and sure to put a smile on your face.

Read all of my Fringe mini-reviews here.