The show begins in Pillsbury House's cozy and welcoming lobby, where audience members are invited to write a note of love to their ancestors. At show time, a procession of the ensemble begins on the balcony and travels downstairs to the altar where we've left our notes, to which the ensemble adds additional tokens of memory. We're then led into the theater space, with streamers hanging from the ceiling and onstage seating making it a communal affair (don't worry, it's immersive but not interactive). Then the storytelling begins with ensemble members Aimee K. Bryant, Florinda Bryant, Kenyai O'Neal, and PaviElle French taking turns singing, telling stories, and inhabiting the colorful, eclectic, specifically drawn characters (including the title character, who weaves in and out of the narrative). I'm not sure what it was about, or what happens, but it's an engaging journey.
photo by Rich Ryan |
Playwright Sharon Bridgforth, director Ebony Noelle Golden, and the ensemble have treating something truly unique. Go and get the full experience this weekend through June 24, an experience that's engaging, intimate, creative, poetic, and beautiful.