
Monday, August 3, 2020

Minnesota Fringe Festival 2020: "The Mystery of the Gryphon's Ears"

Location: Nightly Fringe (Aug. 2)

Length: 30 minutes

Title: The Mystery of the Gryphon's Ears

By: Monster Science Productions

Summary: A power point style edutainment lecture about the mystical creature known as a Gryphon.

Highlights: Sorry Reverent Matt, I didn't know what a Gryphon was either. But I learned it's a half-lion half-eagle creature that appears in many places in mythology, legend, and pop culture. Which is totally Rev. Matt's thing. Back in March he moved his show from Fringe, TCHF, libraries, and other physical locations to streaming online at Twitch, and has been doing it pretty much every week since (my favorite being "Weirdos of Middle Earth"). But it doesn't feel like Fringe without Rev. Matt, and this shortened version of his pandemic show (with no time for questions at the end) fits the bill - a funny and clever deep dive into some weird monster, chock full of pop culture references (related or not). Follow Rev. Matt's Monster Science on Facebook for info on upcoming streaming shows.

Read all of my Nightly Fringe mini-reviews here.

Read all of my Digital Hub mini-reviews here.