Friday, August 9, 2024

Minnesota Fringe Festival 2024: "5x5"


Show: 25

Title: 5x5

Category: Physical / Theater / Historical content / Literary adaptation / Non-verbal

By: Transatlantic Love Affair

Created by: The Ensemble

Location: Open Eye Theatre

Summary: A tréteau style performance, in which five actors tell five stories within the space of a five-foot by five-foot square.

Highlights: What is tréteau? I still don't really know, but judging by this show it's incredible. TLA began at MN Fringe some 14 years ago, and I've loved them since my first transformative experience with them at the 2012 Fringe. Their shows are always gorgeous and moving, as they create the entire world of the show with just their bodies, voices, and souls. But they've given themselves an extra challenge this year - performing inside a 5x5 square taped out on the floor of the Open Eye's already tiny stage. This limitation has only made the work better and more creative. Directed by Amber Bjork (who always makes everything better), the five performers (Mark Benzel, Christina Castro, Peyton McCandless, Derek Lee Miller, and Allison Vincent) tell five stories, each performer somewhat taking the lead but all participating in the storytelling. And it very much feels like storytelling. Between stories they banter with each other in a fun and playful way, calling each other by their names, commenting on what just happened or is about to happen. The five short stories are mostly familiar, and each more delightful than the last, encompassing humor, adventure, tragedy, and romance. We are treated to the Arthurian story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Shakespeare's classic tale of unchecked ambition Macbeth, Nosferatu done as a silent movie, a whirlwind version of the dinosaur movie Jurassic Park, and the lovely and tragic legend of Popo and Izta from Mexico. The five actors work together so well, just seamlessly and beautifully telling these stories in barely enough space to breathe much less move freely. It reminded me very much of Live Action Set (with whom Mark has frequently performed), my first physical theater love, who often did things like this (watch their LOTR in 8 minutes). I'm not sure what else to say other than this is unsurprisingly my favorite show of the Fringe this year - a clever and unique concept perfectly executed with so much heart, charm, and humor. Their final performance is on Saturday. Online sales are sold out, but if you want to see it, get there super early to snag one of the 25% of seats held for walk-up sales.

Read all of my Fringe mini-reviews here.