Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Minnesota Fringe Festival 2024: "Beanie Baby Divorce Play"


Show: 19

Category: Comedy / Drama / Horror / Original Music / Puppetry / Storytelling / Historical content / LGBTQIA+ Content

By: Melancholics Anonymous

Created by: Rachel Ropella and Timothy Kelly

Location: Open Eye Theatre

Summary: The story of a couple fighting over their beanie babies during their divorce and ignoring their actual children, who resort to desperate measures to get their parents' attention.

Highlights: This is bizarre in Melancholics Anonymous' trademark style. The story is told by the Beanie Babies CEO in a smoking jacket ala Masterpiece Theater, reading out of a children's book. We meet the family in court, the kids bored and ignored, the parents angry and selfish. While playing, the kids make a wish that turns ugly with the appearance of a mystical evil creature. One of the kids is kidnapped, and the other fights to get her back, with the help of Princess Diana (or not). The performances by the eight-person cast (Timothy Kelly, Aerin O’Malley, Anneliese Garner, Bee Davis, Meredith Enersen, Nick Willcocks, Samantha Miller, and Claire Chenoweth in a creepily physical performance as the Beanie monster) are great and really committed to this absurdity, and the use of Beanie Babies as props, set, and costumes is truly impressive, particularly what I can only describe as a Beanie Baby tower (set and prop design by Mady Smith). It's a really weird and fun show about the dangers of consumerism and obsession, and if I wasn't emotionally invested, maybe that's OK.

Read all of my Fringe mini-reviews here.