Sunday, August 11, 2024

Minnesota Fringe Festival 2024: "Transition: A Story of Two Trans People Becoming Themselves"


Show: 28

Category: Drama / Musical Theater / Opera / LGBTQIA+ Content / Political content

By: Emily Boyajian

Created by: Emily Boyajian

Location: Mixed Blood Theatre

Summary: An orchestral and choral concert interspersed with dramatic scenes around the theme of transgender people becoming themselves.

Highlights: I wouldn't call this show a musical, rather a concert with dramatic scenes. It begins with two transgender people sitting at their computers, getting ready to post on Facebook coming out as transgender. They discuss their fears and hopes, and we follow them through the aftermath, with both the good and bad things that result. In between scenes the two performers step up to microphones holding a book of music, and sing along to the 11-piece orchestra. Emily Boyajian created the show and wrote all the music, and it's really beautifully written and performed. Songs are hopeful, or angry, or brave, uplifting. As Emily said at the end of the show, it's not just an inspiring story of trans journeys, but also an encouragement for all of us to be our authentic selves and not try to fit into any kind of binary. It can't help but remind me of the recent idiotic comments about the Olympic boxer who doesn't look or act or sound like some people think a woman should look or act or sound, and therefore she must be a man. People are complicated and don't fit into neat either/ors, and this show introduces us to two people who have taken a much more difficult journey than most of us can imagine just to be who they are. And they sing about it beautifully and expressively, accompanied by what is by far the largest orchestra (really the only orchestra) I've seen at Fringe. Musically gorgeous, and with an inspiring, uplifting, and necessary message.

Read all of my Fringe mini-reviews here.